The Conspiracy -

Where your best self does your best work

Join a community of brilliant and brave humans going after their dreams - who want to support you in going after yours.

Doors open for the next cohort in January 2025.
Sign Up for UpdatesStart Making Progress Now with How to Begin

If there is something you are ready to invest in, that champions and tools could help you bring to life, then it’s time to check out The Conspiracy.

Jorge, Ex-Googler, Coach, & Writer
Writing his first book

Michelle, Coach & Nonprofit Founder
Launching a foundation in honor of her late son

Leslie, Book Editor & Founder

“The Conspiracy is the best investment I’ve made in a long time. With the help of supportive members in my group and the community gatherings, I’m making more progress toward my goal (with more fun!) than I ever imagined.”

What is The Conspiracy?

The Conspiracy is a hub of resources and champions dedicated to supporting you in unlocking your best self while doing your best work.

You bring a dream, goal, or project and we provide the community, rhythm, and resources to support your ongoing progress, learning, and growth.

How does it work?



When you become a Conspirator, you become part of an international community of people who are committed to consistent, purposeful action towards their goals.

Your fellow Conspirators care about the person you’re becoming, the challenges you’re facing, and want to support you in bringing your visions into reality.

You can go as deep as you want with one-on-ones, small groups, larger groups, requests for support or collaboration … this is a generous and open crowd and we provide many pathways for connection.

“It’s amazing to have found this group where we feel accepted and able to open up about our challenges and ambitions.”

Angela, Entrepreneur & Pharmacist

“Everyone I’ve met is so genuine. People show up as their real selves here.”

Jason, Writer, Coach & Founder

“When other people talk about their goals, challenges, and approaches, I better understand my own.”

Anil, Software Architecture & Engineering Manager



When you join The Conspiracy, you learn our structured process for breaking down your project into manageable actions for each 6-week stretch of momentum. Then during each period of reflection, you master how to integrate the learning from the last six weeks and clarify your focus for the next.

Progress, learning, and growth are baked into your journey, while your odds of getting stuck or moving too far in the “wrong” direction are more or less eliminated.

“In the past, when I’ve come across a challenge, I’ve lost the focus.”

Joellen, Learning Consultant & Author

“The structure is what I fell in love with.”

Benjamin, Learning Strategist

“Every week I am present to my project and I am going in leaps and bounds!”

Rennea, Filmmaker & Community Designer



Inside The Conspiracy you get access to a comprehensive suite of tools and resources – tailored to help you overcome any challenge and regularly updated to meet your evolving needs.

Whether you’re looking for accountability, connection and support, thought partners, specific feedback or help, coaching, additional training, co-working sessions … we have it all. Plus there are the ever-changing member-organized experiences like book clubs, masterminds, and meet-ups.

With everything, you take what’s useful and leave the rest knowing that (like a gym) there’s no expectation you use it all AND it’s all waiting for you when and if you want it.

“I got great tools with lots of practical tips, and forged new meaningful relationships that helped me move ahead.”

Simone, NGO Founder & Writer

“I leave every co-working session feeling accomplished and energized for the rest of my day.”

Mark, Coach & Writer

“I’ve bonded with my fellow Conspirators and have noticed how my accountability to them helps me keep focused.”

Kay, Coach & Author

What kinds of projects have come out of The Conspiracy (so far)?

So many! … First books; speaking gigs; card decks; podcasts; new businesses; websites; strategies for growth; career changes; community theatre groups; new habits; second books; clarified values, personal commitments; returns to work after life-altering events; blogs; webinars; mastermind groups; new business offerings; training programs; PhDs; completed accreditation programs; launched accreditation programs; promotions; retirements; journals; family foundations; art practices; moves across countries, continents, and oceans; retreats; retreat centres; reconnections to purpose and passion; moving businesses online; school composting systems; apps; incubators; workshops; fifth books; hobbies or passions turning into businesses; rewired/retired lives; intentional communities; online courses; workbooks; published articles …

Does any of that sound like what you’re up for?

What’s included?

In two words, a lot.

  • Two-week onboarding training (1-2h/week, asynchronous)
  • Live monthly training and coaching sessions w Michael Bungay Stanier
  • Multiple, weekly live co-working sessions
  • Multiple, monthly live community-building events
  • The option to be placed in small accountability groups
  • Community discussion boards with DM and chat functions
  • Tools, structure, and support for every step of the way
  • Growing library of recorded trainings exclusive to this community
  • Access to a network of incredible humans to travel alongside
  • Team MBS active in the community and there to help
  • Access to the How to Begin course ($97 value) – which you’re welcome to gift if you already have the course
The Conspiracy with MBS - Monthly Trainings
The Conspiracy with MBS - Accountability Small Groups
Jennie, Podcaster, Entrepreneur, & Storyteller

“Honestly, the act of paying for the accountability is THE THING that is going to ensure I get this book written. Everything else, the camaraderie and the trainings that always have at least one nugget that is PURE GOLD– those things are gravy. (Awesomely wonderful gravy!) How fascinating!”

Meet Your Hosts

MBS - The Conspiracy

Hi, I'm MBS

I’m just slightly famous enough that occasionally people say, “I’d like to be like MBS”; the subtext is often “… but I can’t be.” That’s true on one level because, like all of us, I’m my own little snowflake. But the successes I’ve had have come because I’ve built tools, created structure, and found support.

I did my first “self help” course about thirty years ago, and since then I’ve been figuring out how to create the place where you can unlock your best self while doing your best work.

The Conspiracy is the culmination of my thirty years of “figuring it out” — my experience of being coached and coaching, of being in a mastermind group for 15 years, and of successfully managing the slippery resistance that I, too, feel when taking on a big dream or goal.

It’s the best of what I know about how to commit to a goal, create momentum, and find the best people with whom to travel. I’m very proud of what The Conspiracy will help create in the world.

Ainsley - The Conspiracy

And I'm Ainsley

I’ve been gathering and shaping community for most of my life, always knowing that we weren’t meant to do this alone. My professional background is in anti-violence, disability, and youth organizations where I spent over a decade designing and leading advocacy, community building, and learning and leadership projects.

I love bringing people together for experiences that resource them and support them in resourcing each other. Iterating The Conspiracy into a learning experience and community that nourishes our connections, our bravest ideas, and our world is one of MY goals. It’s all very meta and thrilling and important and daunting. I’m grateful and excited for what The Conspiracy already is and can’t wait to see what it is yet to become.

“I had an impossible goal for me that I thought was a good ‘test’. Plus, I’m not really a ‘community’ person, so I thought the community wouldn’t really matter. I ended up achieving the goal in half the time I thought it would take, and what helped me the most was the supportive group that I was meeting with.”

Parham, Engineering Manager of Accessibility & Coach

Mireille, Mentor, Business Advisor, & Coach
Designing and launching a leadership program for youth


Q: Why is it called The Conspiracy?

A: The etymology of the word conspire is to breathe together. We are a community of people working alongside each other, breathing alongside each other, even if we are far apart 🙂

Q: Will you be running this again? I don’t have time right now.

A: Yes — we open The Conspiracy 2-3 times a year, usually in August, January, and April. If you don’t have time now, it could be helpful to ask yourself when you will have time. If you’ll only have the time when you make it, The Conspiracy can help you make the time 🙂

Q: My dream/goal/project isn’t 100% fleshed out — can I still join?

A: Yes! You’re more than welcome to join The Conspiracy and use the first part of your time here to fine-tune or clarify your goal. You will be gifted the How to Begin course when you join The Conspiracy (if you don’t already own it), which can help you with that.

Q: How do I know if my goal is a good fit for The Conspiracy?

A: If there’s something in your heart that you want to build, change, explore, accomplish, and/or share with the world, we want to support you while you figure out how to do that. If it’s important to you, it’s important to us.

Q: How much time do I need to dedicate to my goal each week?

A: That’s entirely up to you. If you join an accountability group, you will have weekly or bi-weekly meetings to attend. Otherwise, it’s all challenge-by-choice and self-directed. You can spend as little time as you like or work on your project full time! Most members are spending at least 1-2h/ week on their goals.

Q: How much access to Michael do I get?

A: Michael leads a live Zoom event once per month, is active on the discussion boards, and is working the Chapter rhythm alongside the rest of us.

Q: Can I cancel my membership?

A: When you sign up for The Conspiracy, you are committing to spend a year with us. We are a committed community and we have learned that the magic happens when we’re all similarly invested in ourselves, our projects, and our processes. After your first year, you will be offered a reduced alumni rate and a monthly membership option.

That said, if you need a bit more information to make the commitment, we have a generous refund policy which you can read about below. 

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: You have ~14 days from your time of purchase to request a refund (exact date for each cohort will be published here and in the check-outs when doors are open).

Our self-directed onboarding experience gives you a ton of information about the community; a chance to experience the platform and resources; and opportunities to meet other Conspirators. ~14 days gives you more than enough time to complete the onboarding and make sure The Conspiracy is for you. Check us out, do the onboarding, and if this isn’t for you, just let us know by the deadline and we’ll happily refund you. After the deadline, your payment becomes non-refundable (except, of course, in extenuating circumstances – if you find yourself in those, just reach out).

Q: Do you offer scholarships or equity-based pricing?

A: We are committed to equity and accessibility and have a track for those for whom cost is a barrier. If we are able to offer you an equity-based spot, we will send you a custom link for processing payment.