Get Started. Keep Going.
Do Something That Matters.
With a Journal that Truly Works
The Do Something That Matters Journal
You want to do something that matters.
You’ve waited long enough, you’ve worked through enough of your excuses, and that whisper has become a little louder, and a little more insistent.
You’re excited and nervous, all at once.
The first steps
The thing is, you’ve probably been here before.You know it’s all too easy, filled with good intentions, to take the first few steps …
… and then
get distracted,
I’m Michael Bungay Stanier. The author of the Do Something That Matters Journal, and I’ve created it to help ensure that you getting lost or stuck doesn’t happen again.
Get Started. Keep Going
This journal uses a unique structure to
Create focus, so you give your attention to what matters most.
Build momentum, so you make progress.
Stay agile, so you can work through any barriers you encounter
Grow wiser, so you don’t just get things done, you become more confident and more competent.
Order your copy of the Do Something That Matters Journal.
We’ve created this single link that will show you all your online options.
Come back and complete the bonus redemption form below.
Order today and get four free, yet utterly invaluable, bonuses
1. Early & Immediate Access to the Do Something That Matters Journal Weekly Process

Order your copy of the book and you’ll get the weekly template of the journal right away. Print-friendly, you’ll be able immediately to start doing the journaling so you can do the work.
Access: Immediate
2. Your 2025 Boost With Dr. Tasha Eurich
It’s no accident the Do Something That Matters Journal launched January 21st.
It’s the date when New Year’s resolutions have often crumbled … but hope still lives on that you’re up for something that matters.
I’ll be hosting a brand new live event with Dr. Tasha Eurich on Wednesday, January 30th.
It will be a 2025 reset, a chance to take a breath, gather yourself, find your focus once more, and move into 2025 with enthusiasm, courage, and intention.
It will be my signature combination of practical and kind, provocative and funny.
This training is only available to people who order the book before January 24th.
Access: January 30, 2025
Value: IMMENSE 🙂
3. How to Say No guide

Saying No is SUCH a powerful skill and capacity to have.
And, for most of us, so tricky.
Because saying No to something always means saying No to someone.
I’m still working on this myself. And I’m coaching myself to keep getting better and better, so I can say Yes to what truly matters…
… then here are my seven best strategies.
Access: Immediate
Value: Well, you tell me … how much is an hour, a day, a week of your life worth?
4. My 52 Brilliant Friends’ Best Questions
Two years ago, when I started to create the Do Something That Matters Journal, I thought I might have some of my brilliant friends contribute by sharing their very best question.
In the end, that didn’t work for the journal itself.
But I wasn’t going to let these PEARLS OF WISDOM go to waste! Absolutely not!
So I’ve curated 52 wonderful questions (and why they’re so powerful) from friends such as Hal Elrod, Tasha Eurich, Jonathan Fields, Haesun Moon, Neil Pasricha, Dr. Marcia Reynolds, Chris Guillebeau, Luvvie Ajayi Jones, and (obviously) more.
This is a beautifully designed pdf, and it will be an injection of wisdom, provocation, and power to your journal and to your life.
Access: Immediate
Value: MAGIC 🙂
About the Do Something That Matters Journal
There comes a time in your life when the pull to do something that matters overrides the fear, the comfort, and in the inertia that’s kept you from starting.
Lots of people never break out of that cycle.
It’s not easy.
There’s always a reason why now isn’t the time. Why here isn’t the place.
But some people escape. Some people crack on with it, and start something that, for them, is thrilling, important, and daunting.
Perhaps, here and now, that’s you.
Three secrets to success
Those that do—those that take a deep breath and step out on the adventure—know that they can’t do it alone. They need teachers and encouragers and companions.
Those that do, know also that persistence and consistency will get them further than a sporadic burst of energy every now and again.
Those that do, know also that they need to continue to learn and grow and evolve. It’s not enough just to grind, just to “crush the to do list.” In part, you’re this big thing to unlock your greatness.
The Do Something That Matters Journal helps unlock all three of these secrets to success
How it Works
1. Daily questions for progress

Four daily questions
Three at the start of the day for presence, for focus, and for momentum
One at the end of the day for gratitude and completion
2. Weekly questions for growth

Four weekly questions
Claim your Weekly Focus
Go Deep at the start of the week, to deepen your self-awareness
Orient midweek, to lift your head and gain new perspectives
Distill at the end of the week, to learn from what’s happened
3. Three six-week cycles

Six weeks is the “sweet spot” period for momentum
Long enough to make real progress
Short enough to reset and pivot where required
Draws on best practices for agile and innovation
Three cycles per journal
4. Bonus support material
Journal tour with Michael, setting you up for success
Online on-demand class #1: “Six steps when you’re feeling daunted.”
Online on-demand class #2: “Managing Your ‘Something that Matters’ doubt.”
Bonus chapters from How to Begin
5. Beautiful design
Clothbound, thick paper, ribbon, numbered pages
Dateable pages
Weekly illustrations from the brilliant and award-winning Jessica Hagy
Weekly quotes that are powerful, provocative, and unexpected
A Message from Michael
Right by my desk is a framed poster with a quote from Edwin Land, founder of Polaroid. Now, I know it didn’t work out that well for Polaroid in the long -run, but they blazed brightly for many years in the early days of photography.
The quote reads:
“Don’t undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible.”

It’s not a great photo (ironically) … but it is a great call to action, and it’s one I’ve tried to follow for many years.
One of those projects was a book I published in 2022, How to Begin. It helps people find, start, and continue a Worthy Goal … a goal thrilling, important, and daunting enough to be worthy of your time, your resources, and your life.
And having helped thousands of people on that quest, and having tried (and failed and succeed) myself, I came to realize that the more structured help I could provide, the better.
I started journaling. It took ten years to find a process I thought was helpful. It took another five years to refine it into the structure within the Do Something That Matters journal.
Regular daily questions for focus, courage, momentum, and gratitude
Regular weekly check-ins for self-awareness and course corrections
A reset every six weeks to reorient and decide what’s next
A final confession
My motivation is entirely selfish to sell you this journal.
Because I know if you are doing something that matters, the world is getting a little bit better.
I figure the world is having a hard time right now.
And the more good people doing something that matters, the better.
I think that could be you.
You’re awesome and you’re doing great.
About Michael Bungay Stanier
Hi, I’m Michael, sometimes called MBS.

Michael is the author of nine books, including The Coaching Habit, the best-selling book on coaching this century. Brené Brown called it “a classic,” Seth Godin “the best book on coaching,” and Dan Pink “essential.”
He won the coaching and mentoring award at Thinkers50 in 2023 (“the Oscars of management”) and was a Rhodes Scholar.
His work has appeared on all the channels: podcasts (Brené Brown and Lewis Howes), radio (ABC, BBC, CBC), magazines (HBR, Forbes, Fortune), and Broadway. OK, not Broadway.
He’s Australian and lives in Toronto.